Samson: God who fights Chapter 4

 Not a hair of yours shall perish...

Luke 21:18

What's special with Samson's hair? Jumping off to Judges 16, Delilah is the woman who sold Samson's hair to Philistines. After my research, it said but still presumed to be speculations that Samson's hair was sold to silver worthy and equivalent to 110 years wage of a man. I was happy to find that out which makes me believe it wasn't cheap at all. For you to sell the man of God's strength would take 110 years of man's toil or man wage in earth. That may have been trillion of monies if we compare it today.

No wonder, Delilah used the honey or love trap to discover the secret Samson's strength. Samson is madly in love with her cannot lie anymore or deceive Delilah for the 3rd time. For the first time in his life Samson loved someone deeply other than God himself, led to his downfall with no plan of recovery before it happens.

The hair is symbol of glory and covering. The hair often being referred to the bible as numbered by God. He knows the count of hair in human heads. 😑 Hence, we cannot escape God for he knows everything. However, he allowed Samson to use his will, he spilled the secrets of the divine to their enemies. God lost Samson from that moment on when the hair was cut.😌

Samson perfected his diet, his gut is strong . Yet, what Samson failed is this soul issues, his heart is weak when the love of woman came to test him. He knows the risks yet took it still. The failure is big time and the result, the hair was cut. Delilah sold him so expensively, but the remorse she will get is going to cause her entire lifetime to suffer the guilt.

Betrayal is solely the most painful feeling in the world stripping you all of your strength. Samson may have not taken seriously what it meant to tell his secrets and did not know its consequences until it actually happened. 

For if there are things that never happened because God is all there, we are all so over confident that we won't lose sight of God. Unfortunately, God leaves too even for those he chose, not because he doesnt love us anymore but because we defied Him and continued to disregard his presence in us. His presence should be valued in all times.




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