Noah: God who sleeps


Noah, and the Arkship. It's Noah who slept in the boat. That's it, hey! end of the story? Let's scan Genesis chapter 5 until 9.

Noah can be compared to a hero. The only man who saved the entire earth from extinction or say from God's wrath. God may have literally worked very hard to save the remaining of creation and choose only one human lineage and Noah is the perfect man to accomplish it. 

When God is at work and it involves the rectification of His creation, we are safe to say that it is always grand and catastrophic. What makes God move and decide this way, still man fails to understand. But Noah paid attention to every detail. An ark was built and Noah waited for the rainfall to happen then let the entire creation sleep. Some creations slept forever which ended their time. Some wake up and meet the new beginning of their time.

Since the beginning of time as it appears in the creation story sleep was one of the basic concepts introduced by God. We know that because of sleep a woman was created. Today when man and woman sleep, there's no activity except that when they wake up, they remember some dreams, feel awful, or renewed strength afterward. There is no explanation why sleep is almost half of man's requirement in order to live and fully function well. I guess it's still a secret reserved only for God where he works into a man out of the ordinary, in secret places of our soul and spirit.

Sleep is comfort, humans try to reach and understand yet another mystery unsolved. Because God is the comfort of all creation, the act was revealed to be in the form of sleep. He used to sleep to save the creation. He also used sleep to form Eve out of Adam. 

When God uses sleep, God comforts man. Everything is arranged in God's ways where chance does not happen and evil cannot exist. Sleep is a process that only God controls and man can only lie down to wait until God finishes its task.


Next Moses

or proceed to non christian view of NOAH


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