Moses: God's friendship Chapter 3

 Only good things come from God.

Even with food, God is very special to his own chosen ones and very particular in nature. Not only Manna was provided but also the meat of quail bird. What is important to God is the heart to trust Him and be fully obedient to Him. But the Israelites tested and abused God's friendship. Can God be tested or even abused?

According to Exodus and Deuteronomy God relieved the Israelite hunger in the forty years of wandering in the wilderness by providing manna and quail meat until they reached the Promise Land Canaan. 

The quail meat was provided and eaten during twilight. How can you hunt them at night? So it means God provides the impossible phenomena when He is your friend. The real blessing was the Food of the Angels called Manna. I like this line... it was "as fine as frost on the ground. It tasted like a wafer with honey in it."

Whatever Manna looks and tastes like, it is something that God makes and the Angels call it Manna or bread of heaven. If He is your friend, God makes real bread for you, spoon feeds you, and will do it every day not skipping any moment. God is so sweet. Is there any God besides Him who bakes Manna bread for his own chosen ones? The Angels might have been so jealous for even God shares their bread with men. 😇

So Manna is revealed, like a dew in the morning it fades at night here comes the quail bird. It is never written exactly if they were fed 40 years of the quail meat because of the grumbling these people did to Moses again and again. The provision of quail meat was a test to expose one's stomach and heart. After complaints reached Moses and God's ears, God told them to consecrate themselves and they would eat quail meat until their nostril was filled up. Those who did not consecrate themselves voraciously ate and stored food for tomorrow. The meat was spoiled and naturally, it pestered the camp, and like a pandemic broke out.

But Manna, the bread of heaven, was provided for 40 years.

The people now had it made; a perfect food made by God. This Heavenly blessing to fulfill all the nutritional requirements of life is just pick it No hunting, or long lines at the supermarket just take it.




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