David: God's own heart Chapter 3 Abigail Part 7-9

 Part 7. Father's joy 

Abigail's strength was portrayed in her role as a married woman to a stringent husband. 

This thought would simply call for me to openly discuss about right manners of a married woman in front of a single irresistible future king-to-be David who just happened to pass by your courtyards to kill all of you because your husband would not even spare any of its festive occasion on food and merriments.

You can say, sort of a secret gate crashers which the Lord sometimes eavesdrop on some random occasion & uses this opportune time to bless or curse, to test the real state of your heart. Are you stringent or obedient to the call of God? 

In this case, the servant did not hide David's name from Nabal. It was also told modestly when the servant said to Nabal: "Please give your servants & your son David whatever you can." 

These three words "your son David" meant everything to God. It is very humble & courteous sort of like... they courted Nabal to send them "whatever" provisions his heart might have to spare David... 

Nabal could have sent a just right or more than what it asked. But that never happened. Nabal was a truly selfish stringent rich lord and it was just confirmed when David crossed his path.

Nabal obviously heard the call of God. The name of David spells the name of God in their time as he probably mostly heard David fleeing from King Saul to protect his life and David obeying God's command for him to take over its kingdom. Yet, as if Nabal does not need anything from God's servant because everything was provided for him out of God's goodness. Nabal failed to acknowledge God in his divine encounter with David. So God brought upon judgment on Nabal that even his most precious wife would be handed over to none other than God's own heart servant David. 

This is a call to teach every husband whether in lack or abundance, to heed to God and listen to his plea at times his servants ask him to provide whatever is at hand and prevent God's people from doing more harm. Protecting them is like giving a shield to God to become good and pass through any harm, no harm shall befall its household & avoid this...

As the Lord blesses, so He takes.

Part 8. Father's joy

From a stringent husband to a household ready to be swept by God can Abigail stop and change its destiny?

Abigail independently perfected a woman's will set by God. As God silently watched her bid her case before God and David, it is all-important to God. Just like many other married women, not without self-incrimination (because she will plead guilty to save her husband in exchange for her life) and fast self-paced decision(as a married woman it is supposed to be immoral to expose yourself to a single powerful man like David), Abigail bypassed many laws about indecent behavior of Jewish married woman yet won many generations to come.

Colorful speculations would say she has fallen in love too at David's first sight to kill her. Say this is true, then this becomes a moral topic to be discussed. How could a married woman want a single man like David? Is there an evidence? A courtroom would further investigate. 

Yes, you could always say that because they claimed Abigail did say in 1 Samuel 25:31 "And when the Lord has prospered my lord, remember your maid.” The emphasis was on these three words focusing on the last word "Remember your MAID". 

Maid in their times refers to a girl or young female; of an unmarried woman or virgin, and of a female servant or handmaid. David knew...at that first meeting Abigail spoke words she wished as a woman she is still a MAID and not a married woman. And they can just be free for whatever outcome this is supposed to end. Is it a happy or happiest ending? 

Do you know why at this point God reads David's heart like HIS OWN HEART? It's because God knew David responded to Abigail's suffering heart. David knew and felt pain on how hard it is to be with a man like Nabal and Abigail still respected him by defending him and denying herself resolved her heart by letting David go even if David already expressed how he wanted her. 

And yet Abigail sort of closed some hopes in her heart... wasn't able to lie that she wants David as a man like her husband she betrayed herself in those words

... remember your maid ... 

Abigail failed to lie. That's the point.💔

And no further words are needed. Cast these stones, go on throw it out.

Part 9. Father's joy

Already heartbroken even if love has never started yet?💔

David was only after the reports of a stringent husband Nabal. David was never after a woman but a man named Nabal. Now he finds himself drawing compassion on his enemy's wife? What is he supposed to do and act? Does God want him to kill Abigail when she came discreetly at this time of the night to block him and all his cavalries?

Abigail was only after her household, she thinks she will be their last stand to save their necks from bloodbath & turn the terror into a happy story. Now here comes David, a very popular figure lurking in their yard, a valiant young man, handsome and strong suddenly expressing he wants her and she must say no?

The subject of modesty and prudence of a married woman, if you would ask me, for me, yes it may be unnecessary to say those PARTING WORDS to David. He will remember every last word from this unfortunate encounter. 

David is just like an open book which Abigail knew He likes her very much and wants more of her time maybe. Though David may find some time again in the future... those hopes are just hope with no guarantee in the future that she will move on.

This also means that Abigail closed their case and will part not as an enemy when David spared Abigail and all of her household alive. Also granted her the status of not making her a widow by not killing her husband. 

A very powerful act of a woman to intercede to God and God allowing her to redirect the purpose of David and Nabal.

Abigail saved both men. 

Abigail not in any moment did sway David but directed him to God. 

Abigail not in any minute sold her loyalty to Nabal the stringent husband for her to obtain David's favor to release her alive and well.

Abigail wrapped herself in God's peace as she forgoes all of her chances that night after her encounter with David.

David accepts all of the provisions and trusts God to let go of Abigail as he takes all she offers & blesses them. 

These acts exceedingly justified a future king-to-be. In God's heart, both portrayed that its possible not to lie and not to commit defilement at the same time.




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