Samson: God who fights Chapter 2

Samson's life was not an accident or even some random chance at all. It was willed by God & this important news was delivered by the Angel of the Lord. 

Manoah inquired a lot from the man whom he did not recognize at all that it was the same Angel who appeared to his wife. The angel of the Lord confirmed again & again and would prefer not to eat any food they prepared but Manoah insisted. The Angel of the Lord said: "But if you prefer a burnt offering, offer it to the Lord."

Manoah is pressing and asks for his name. But the Angel of the Lord said: "Why do you ask my name? It is beyond understanding."

The rest can be read at Judges 13. Samson's parent did not leave the Angel of the Lord empty-handed. Manoah as if knows what to do has this automatic instinct to honor this private godly guest whose task is just to confirm a child will be born. A burnt offering was in the rock & it was mentioned: "The Lord did an amazing thing while Manaoh & his wife watched." (what was this? can't imagine). "As the flame blazed up from the altar toward heaven, the angel of the Lord ascended in the flame."

It appears to be that Samson's parent has seen this Lord when they burnt the offering to him. With no additional phrases in the bible, the Lord just did an amazing thing. Then, to end this magical visit the angel of the Lord ascended in the flame.

Thanking God is never a requirement for humans or the chosen ones. But I believe if you have a direct connection to him, it is a natural instinct to give away that one thing God likes to smell, see, and feel. It's not even needed to burn some offerings as it was mentioned in Judges 13 but because the Lord chooses, he welcomes whatever a human soul can offer & sacrifices an animal to appease the Lord. 

Why is it so pleasing to sacrifice an animal to the Lord? 

My guess is, it's because the Lord knows humans, don't have anything to offer but the actions of humans preparing an altar and burning an animal to make the Lord stay a little bit longer as a guest can move God's heart for wanting Him to spare a minute, spare more time to have fellowship in Him. That his chosen ones will hunt & kill for God to offer as an effort to show gratefulness.




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