Gideon: God who obeys Chapter 6

 God does not work with the strong, but chooses the weak.

It is true that God was drawn to Gideon because he is weak, no fear of God (becasue he made God to wait), have no faith, easily dismayed, uses rants and false humility, and always in doubt. Without these bad qualities God cannot work. It was this very reasons that Gideon is a finisher of great faith. That God can work even with the hopeless, weak and no faith leaders.

Gideon ruled his people for 40 years. God blessed him enough to build his own descendants. However, Gideon's decendants did not follow God's commands whereas their grandfather Gideon followed God even if they always agree to disagree. 

God and Gideon always fights to see who is right at the end, and God obeying Gideon is one of the greatest act a man can ask from God instantly.

So far I have not read any man of God who made God wait in earth. Gideon may have been very weak at start. Yet, God saw a difference in him. His intervention to Gideon resulted to becoming one of the hall of famer in faith.

Without God, the name Gideon which means to cut down is impossible. If i am given a chance to rename the 300 army it would be God, Gideon and the 300 army.

When God obeyed Gideon, the faithless becomes faithful. He personally won Gideon's heart and turned him to be one of the great finisher of faith.


Next Ezekiel


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